Harness Async JavaScript

January 29th 2015

Knowing how to harness asynchronous behavior is fundamental in JavaScript.

What is Async JavaScript?

To put simply, any call that will finish executing at a later time.

Such as if we wanted to find the width of a image somewhere on the internet:

var img = new Image()
img.src = 'http://animals.com/bear.png'
console.log('Width is ' + img.width)

You'll discover this isn't correct as the img.width is 0. It is only available after the image has loaded. Setting img.src invokes an async operation. You can only determine the width of the image once it has finished loading.

Image will tell you when it has finished through a onload callback hook. Basically saying, I'll call the function you gave onload when the image has finished loading:

var img = new Image()
img.onload = function() {
  console.log('Width is ' + img.width)
img.src = 'http://animals.com/bear.png'

Harnessing Async

Unlike Image, there are many operations in JavaScript in which you can choose whether to be asynchronous or synchronous. For most things, the simple choice is sync as it's easier read and understand.

For example, if we have an array of animals and we want to filter out any non-bear animal from the array, we could do:

var animals = [ { type: 'bear', name: 'grizzly'}, /* ... */ ]
var bears = animals.filter(function(animal) {
  return animal.type === 'bear'
console.log('Bears: ', bears)

We are able to console.log the bears immediately after. Even though filter takes a callback, it is still a sync operation.

Make it async

Now why would we ruin a perfectly easy sync operation? Because JavaScript is single threaded (mostly). If you had 1000s of animals to search through or the filter callback was an expensive operation, you'll block the thread. Your UI will lag or your server would stop serving until the filter has finished.

Let's make that filter operation async by writing a our own filter helper function:

// A helper function for filtering arrays without blocking
function filter(array, next, done) {
  var count = 0
  var results = []
  var iterate = function() {
    next(array[count], function(pass) {
      if (pass) results.push(array[count]) // order not guaranteed
      if (count >= array.length) done(results)
      else setImmediate(iterate) // this is important!

Now let's create a large array of animals, remember this for loop will block your thread until it has finished. It is not async:

// Add lots of animals! This part will block
var animals = []
for (var i = 0; i < 999999; i++) {
  animals.push({ type: (Math.random() > .5 ? 'bear' : 'fish') })

Now we can use our async filter helper to filter out any non-bears but it will not block the setInterval from printing 'dont block!' every 100ms:

// Every 100ms we'll log, our filter should not block this
var interval = setInterval(function() {
  console.log('dont block!')
}, 100)

// Now filter our animals without blocking
filter(animals, function(animal, next) {
  next(animal.type === 'bear')
}, function(bears) {
  console.log('We have ' + bears.length + ' bears.')

setImmediate is important to make this work. This instructs our filter helper to only iterate once the browser has completed other operations. Thus avoids blocking our thread.

Third Party Libraries

There are many async helper libs on npmjs.com. A popular one is async which has a laundry list of flow control helpers.

In my experience, setImmediate is usually not baked into flow control libraries. Be sure to check and call setImmediate if the library does not to avoid blocking.

Callback Paths

Callbacks are the quintessential way of harnessing async. One could easily run to a helper library to deal with an async issue but many situations are easily handled with a little knowledge of callbacks.

Node.js / io.js heavily utilize callbacks and offers both sync and async versions of most methods. For the same reasons discussed above reguarding blocking, you should prefer the async methods.

A common annoyance when using callbacks is "callback hell" or overly nested callbacks:

var fs = require('fs')

fs.lstat('big.file', function(err, stat) {
  fs.readFile('big.file', function(err, contents) {
    var uppercased = contents.toString().toUpperCase()
    fs.writeFile('uppercased.file', uppercased, function(err) {
      console.log('All done!')

The nesting can quickly become undesirable but this is easily overcome by creating a callback path. Any time you're nesting more than desired, create a function at the same level as the initial function scope and use that as the callback:

var fs = require('fs')

fs.lstat('big.file', function(err, stat) {
  fs.readFile('big.file', writeFile)

function writeFile(err, contents) {
  var uppercased = contents.toString().toUpperCase()
  fs.writeFile('uppercased.file', uppercased, function(err) {
    console.log('All done!')

After fs.readFile('big.file', writeFile) is finished it will call your writeFile function.

Callback Chunks

Another common async pattern is needing to perform a number of async operations and know when all have finished:

var fs = require('fs')
var request = require('request')

function readFiles(done) {
  var files = []
  var count = 3
  function next(err, contents) {
    if (count < 1) done(files)
  // Read 2 files and request 1 from a remote server
  fs.readFile('one.file', next)
  request('http://example.com/two.file', function(err, response, body) {
    next(err, body)
  fs.readFile('three.file', next)

readFiles(function(files) {
  console.log('Got ' + files.length + ' files')

Each async call here, fs.readFile and request, will call the next() function when they are done. We simply count how many we expect to finish and then call done() once they all have finished.

Callbacks are a simple and raw method of dealing with async operations.


As of this writing, promises are available in io.js and most modern browsers. Support is easily supplemented through third party libraires such as Q, RSVP, bluebird. Amongst many promise flavored libraries on npm.

For many, especially the end user, they make dealing with async very composable.

A promise is an object that will callback either then upon success or catch upon failure. Upon cursory glance, this doesn't seem to solve "callback hell" as promises still use callbacks.

Rather it's the ability to return a promise from within a callback that allows for chaining to avoid callback hell:

var fs = require('fs-promise')

fs.lstat('big.file').then(function(stat) {
  return fs.readFile('big.file') // file exists, read a file and return the promise
}).then(function(contents) {
  // The contents argument here is from the promise
  // returned in the previous callback
  var uppercased = contents.toString().toUpperCase()
  return fs.writeFile('uppercased.file', uppercased)
}).then(function() {
  console.log('All done!')
}).catch(function(err) {

Or if you need to perform a number of async operations, use Promise.all:

var fs = require('fs-promise')
var request = require('request')

  new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    request('http://example.com/two.file', function(err, response, body) {
      if (err) reject(err)
]).then(function(files) {
  console.log('Got ' + files.length + ' files')

This runs all the promises within the array asynchronously. The order they run is not guaranteed.

Running each promise in a series, sequential order or one after the other is solved with clever usage of Array.reduce. Remember promises are just objects that can be consumed through existing JavaScript patterns:

var fs = require('fs-promise')

new Array([
  fs.writeFile('first.file', '1'),
  fs.writeFile('second.file', '2'),
  fs.writeFile('third.file', '3'),
]).reduce(function(current, next) {
  return current.then(next)
}, Promise.resolve()).then(function() {
  console.log('All done!')

Be aware that many third party libraries add their own promise flavoring. Use caution when choosing a promise supplemental library as it may break compatibility with implemented promise specs.


As of this writing, generators are available in io.js and most most modern browsers.

Generators are functions in which their execution can be iterated through. Or as I like to think of them: lazy functions with mutliple return-like expressions.

Take this example:

function *createStep() {
  console.log('log begin')
  yield 'first'
  console.log('log middle')
  yield 'second'
  console.log('log end')
  yield 'third'
var step = createStep()
step.next() // returns { value: 'first', done: false }
// log begin
step.next() // returns { value: 'second', done: false }
// log middle
step.next() // returns { value: 'third', done: true }
// log end

We built a function that creates an iterator. Each call to next() on the iterator executes to the next yield expression and then pauses, without blocking. It will continue to iterate until it reaches the end of the function.

Since it is an iterator, you can also loop through using for..of:

for (var step of createSteps()) {
  console.log(step.value) // first, second, third

Async With Generators

So what is the big deal and how does this help writing async code?

It enables us to write a little helper that utilizes yield's behavior. Here is a suspend/resume helper; modified but originally based upon creationix's gist which in turn was originally derived from the syntax in suspend:

function run(generator) {
  var data = null, yielded = false
  var iterator = generator(function() {
    data = arguments
  yielded = !!(iterator.next())
  function check() {
    while (data && yielded) {
      var err = data[0], item = data[1]
      data = null
      yielded = false
      if (err) return iterator.throw(err)
      yielded = !!(iterator.next(item))

This helper says: run this generator pausing at each yield and continuing after each call to resume().

Which lets us write async code as if it were sync:

run(function*(resume) {
  try {
    var lstat = yield fs.lstat('big.file', resume)
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('File does not exist: ', err)
  var contents = yield fs.readFile('big.file', resume)
  var uppercased = contents.toString().toUpperCase()
  yield fs.writeFile('uppercased.file', uppercased, resume)
  console.log('All done!')

yield is an expression. The right of yield will be returned as iterator.next().value. But you can also send in values as we are doing above with iterator.next(value). That value sent in can be assigned to the left of yield.

Third Party Libraries

The above helper is just one flavor of utilizing generators. Check out the suspend library for more robust suspend/resume helpers.


You can write a book on either callbacks, promises or generators alone. This post was intented on introducing and encouraging you to be comfortable writing async code.

As async it is absolutely paramount when writing JavaScript.